Friday, May 1, 2015

April Wrap-up fail | 2015


This month....let me just take it in for a minute. I am graduating in 8 days. EIGHT. And I had my last day of classes EVER yesterday. It's so surreal. So because of that and trying to hang out with my friends as much as possible and having one of the busiest months (because I had projects on projects on projects and a cappella things, my boyfriend coming up two weekends in a row, me going home for Easter, etc.) I didn't read much in April at all. And what I DID read is not at all what was on my April TBR. I still want to get to the books that were on my April TBR, so that list is going to carry over to May. But I'll share with you what my April looked like book-wise.

So I started a lot of books this month. I started Red Rising, The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, and Red Queen. Red Rising I had to put down because it was due at the library and I had to put it back on hold. The Coldest Girl in Coldtown I wasn't really loving, but I got about 70 or so pages in and I do still want to finish it. Red Queen...sigh. I'm 70 pages from the end. I've been 70 pages from the end for about 3 weeks now. I put it down because it felt like it should've already ended and I have had little to no desire to pick it back up. Which is sad because I WAS really loving it, but now I just feel meh. I am going to finish it though. I am. It'll just take like two hours of focus, so I can do it.

As far as what I finished this month. GAH. I recently discovered adult paranormal romance and Lord help me I love it. I started following HeatherLovesReading on YouTube and she talks a lot about J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood being one of her favorite series. WELL. I have never really read much adult literature aside from Nicholas Sparks. I tried Fifty Shades and I didn't like it. The sex parts were too much for me. So I was a little nervous for these books because I was afraid I was too much of a prude. WRONG. I'm not a prude, Fifty Shades just wasn't for me. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT BDB. It has easily become a new all-time favorite series for me. The stories are amazing and the romance is so sweet. It feels sort of like a guilty pleasure series because a) vampires and b) sometimes cheesy romance. BUT I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH IT. And it's inspired me to try more adult paranormal romance books because I've found that I love it! Anyway, enough about that because this isn't a review. But here are the three books I've read so far/have read in November. All of these were 5 stars for me.

1. Dark Lover
2. Lover Eternal
3. Lover Awakened (MY FAVORITE OMG SO GOOD)

What did you guys read this month?

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