Saturday, May 23, 2015

Current Reading Plan: May 23, 2015/My rambling because I don't have as many friends at home as at school so I have no one to talk to

So, I have a lot of reading goals for the summer. The main being to finish some series that are all out, but that I've been putting off because I don't want to go through the pain of the books and the pain of them ending. But just in general, I have a current plan which is more for me, but I'm posting this just because.

Currently my heart is trying to heal from just finishing The Eternity Cure (which I finished just because I was more than halfway through already and was really into City of Fallen Angels so I wanted to finish The Eternity Cure so I could focus solely on COFA), and because I couldn't just casually go back to City of Fallen Angels like I wanted, I went right into The Forever Song and my heart is still breaking. BUT, when I finish that book I have some plans...
A) I am going to finish City of Fallen Angels because I was actually really enjoying it. I know a lot of people don't like it and say it's their least favorite because it's like the start of a new trilogy, but I was actually really enjoying it. I love the characters so I was just happy to check up on them and see what they're doing, even if it is just more mundane (no pun intended) things starting off a new set of plot lines.
B) While ideally I wanted to go straight into the next Shadowhunter book on my list--Clockwork Prince (since I'm reading the TMI/TID books in publication order)--I think I'm gonna need a little pick me up after the depression I'll likely still be feeling from The Eternity Cure/The Forever Song, I'm gonna go into the next book after Losing It by Cora Carmack, which is technically Faking It. (I'll read the novella from the first book after I read the three main books.) Losing It was such a nice pick-me-up on a bad day, so I'm gonna read Faking It next. Hopefully it'll cheer me up a little and help soothe the book hangover I already have and will likely still have in a few days. Plus I read these books so fast, it'll be a breeze.
C) This brings me to the rest of my May TBR. I won't have time to finish them before the end of May, but I definitely wanna carry those over to June since my June TBR will be very open for a few reasons that I'll explain later. SO. What I anticipate happening is finishing The Forever Song, City of Fallen Angels, and Faking It in May. And possibly starting a new one, but not finishing it. Therefore, I'm carrying over Red Rising, Rapture, and The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. I'd like to read Rapture first because I tend to fly through the Fallen novels and that's the last one in the series so then I'll be done with that!
D) As far as my plans after I officially finish all the books on my May TBR, as I said, I'm leaving my June TBR pretty open with loose guides to what I wanna read. This is because I know I want to read Clockwork Prince in June, but if I want to go straight into the City of Lost Souls, etc, etc after that, I wanna be able to, but I don't want to force myself to finish it all in one big sweep if I'm not feeling it or wanna read something else. AND I'd really like to read the next Black Dagger Brotherhood book about Phury, because then I'll be done with all the full-length novels about all the main brothers (the first ones about each brother, that is). Along with that, I'd like to read the novella about Zsadist (duh because he's my favorite and I've been WAITING for this). So I think after those two, it would be a good place to pause BDB for now because I don't want to get to the end of the series so far and have to wait forever for the next book to come out. (I'll probably post this all in a June TBR also, so sorry for repeating it.)
E) Also, I'd really like to finish the Bloodlines series and read Ruby Circle, but I also don't want to because I've been reading Vampire Academy since high school and once Bloodlines is over, that's really it for the VA world. It's actually the end. And VA is my favorite series of all time (with BDB) and it was one thing when Last Sacrifice ended and we knew we were getting a spin-off. Now the spin off will be over and there will actually be no more for me. That makes me want to crawl into a cave and die. So I wanna read it, but I'm also avoiding it like the plague.
F) Another series I really wanna jump on ASAP and add to section C (the carrying over of my May TBR into June even though this wasn't on my May TBR), Darkness Rising--the spin-off from the Darkest Powers series, which was a favorite of mine in high school. I own the last two of those and I snagged the first one from the library, so I would really like to read those three! My sister read them and loved them. Since we both loved the Darkest Powers trilogy, I am really interested to revisit that world and check out the "new" spin-off trilogy!
G) Last, I really wanna finish the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy before the end of summer, but it's not on my immediate "to do" list, even though that is a favorite series of mine. Along with that, I'd like to knock out Miss Mayhem because it's pretty small and I read Rebel Belle pretty fast (I tend to read contemporary-ish things pretty quickly)!

So that's it. My ramblings on my current bookish plans. What are your summer plans?!

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