Friday, May 30, 2014

Daughter of Smoke and Bone Review

Daughter of Smoke and Bone
By: Laini Taylor
Series: Daughter of Smoke and Bone (book 1)

I was a little nervous to start reading this book because I started it the day after I finished The Immortal Rules and I loved that one so much. I wanted to start the next one as soon as I finished the first, but Daughter of Smoke and Bone was due to the library in two days or so and I couldn't renew it, so I had to pick it up first. So, I was a little hesitant that I wouldn't like it as much as I might if I had waited. But I loved it so, SO much. I read two amazing books in a row which is awesome and almost never happens with me. AND, if it's even possible, I have an even bigger book hangover from this book! This book ended with such a huge cliffhanger. I'm so happy I don't have to wait for another book to come out, just for my hold to come in at the library.

I wanted to read this book because katytastic and polandbananasbooks on YouTube rave about the series. However, though I've only heard rave reviews from my favorite Booktubers, I have heard from those same people that a lot of people don't like this book because it's slow and there's a lot of description and world building. I disagreed with that completely. I am a very slow reader and typically get bored with long descriptions and complicated stories. But I found this book extremely easy to read and easy to get through. I found myself flying through it, hanging on every word, always wanting to know what was happening next. It is a little confusing, but that's because the story is a mystery. The main character is left in the dark about who she is, so we are left in the dark as well. We find things out as she finds things out. So, while it's a little confusing at first, that's something I love, when everything just comes together as the story progresses.

Another thing I loved about the story were the little stories that were built in. As the main character is trying to figure out where she comes from and who she is, we get to see little stories and flashbacks within the story to reveal new information. And each little story is just as good as the overall story.

This story is written in third person. Usually, I prefer first person, but I liked the way Laini Taylor used third person. While most of the story was told from Karou's perspective, every now and then she would switch and tell the story more from another character's perspective. Even though the story is told in third person, she has a way of telling the same scene from two different perspectives, and it's still just as interesting as the first time.

The other characters are wonderful. You really fall in love with the story and the characters as if they're your own family and friends. Akiva is a great character. So tormented and dark and badass, but at the same time, romantic and gentle. (Is that a spoiler? I don't know.) He's a very complex character and easy to love in my opinion.

I had an idea about the plot of this story, but the inside flap of the dust jacket doesn't tell you much and, based on reviews I've watched, not a lot of information was given about what exactly the story is about. While I was reading and finding out things about the world and the story, I had no idea what kind of story it was. The kind of paranormal/fantasy story it was completely surprised me. In a good way! There are so many stories in this general kind of genre and this was a completely original and different story. I know I said the same thing about the Immortal Rules, but it's so true. A lot of other stories are very cliche, but this was so original and different. Laini Taylor created this world from top to bottom and it's completely its own story. It's so creative and original and I just can't get over how she created this whole new world in her head. It's amazing.

As I read, I had a few ideas of what was going on and was putting a few pieces together in my head. I predicted a little bit about who Karou was and where she came from, but even though I had an idea, I was still surprised and didn't have everything predicted and figured out. I was amazed at how well the story was put together and how she revealed everything piece by piece in different orders and everything just fell into place at the end. And even though it fell into place, there's still more to learn, there's still more to figure out. And just when you think the story is over and it's all been revealed, there's a twist right at the end that makes you gasp and your jaw fall to the floor and frantically run to a computer to put the book on hold at the library/check your nearest Target to see if they have the next book (I did both). 

This book was amazing. It gave you just enough to satisfy your need for answers and love the book, but left out enough to where you're dying for the next one. 5/5 stars, again, for this book. I highly, HIGHLY recommend it. I didn't find it difficult to get into, but if you are, just keep going. It is amazing and the story never stops. It just keeps getting better.

Who's read this book? Have you read the rest in the series? What do you guys think? Feel free to leave your comments below, but PLEASE no spoilers! I've been doing a really good job of not reading ahead and not looking online for spoilers, so please don't spoil me :)

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