Saturday, May 31, 2014

May Wrap-up

I'm really proud of myself for reading this month. I didn't get to read as much as I would've liked because for the first week and a half/two weeks of May, I was taking exams, but I'm still pretty proud of myself for crossing off 6 books from my TBR list. A lot of times, I come home for the summer and plan to read a lot, but I read one or two books and then can't keep up with it. Especially after I start work. But I've already started work this summer (two jobs this time) and I'm still keeping up with reading and getting through each book without quitting. I didn't read every book on my May TBR, but I did read a good amount of them! Some will carry over to next month, while others will have to wait.

These were the books I finished in the month of May:
1. Fallen by Lauren Kate
2. Torment by Lauren Kate
3. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
4. The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
5. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
6. The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda

This was a fun reading month, especially because I read two books in a row that were AMAZING and are new favorites of mine (see my two rave reviews posted this month) :) It was also a great reading month because I read two books from the same series (which will make it easier to finish the last two in the series later) and I finished a book that I had started last year, but never had time to finish, which I loved. Not only that, but I ended up frantically reading on the last day of May to finish another book that I had started last year, but couldn't get into, so I didn't finish it last summer. I'm really proud of myself and I hope I can keep this up for the rest of the summer!

How did you guys do? What did you finish this month?

Friday, May 30, 2014

Daughter of Smoke and Bone Review

Daughter of Smoke and Bone
By: Laini Taylor
Series: Daughter of Smoke and Bone (book 1)

I was a little nervous to start reading this book because I started it the day after I finished The Immortal Rules and I loved that one so much. I wanted to start the next one as soon as I finished the first, but Daughter of Smoke and Bone was due to the library in two days or so and I couldn't renew it, so I had to pick it up first. So, I was a little hesitant that I wouldn't like it as much as I might if I had waited. But I loved it so, SO much. I read two amazing books in a row which is awesome and almost never happens with me. AND, if it's even possible, I have an even bigger book hangover from this book! This book ended with such a huge cliffhanger. I'm so happy I don't have to wait for another book to come out, just for my hold to come in at the library.

I wanted to read this book because katytastic and polandbananasbooks on YouTube rave about the series. However, though I've only heard rave reviews from my favorite Booktubers, I have heard from those same people that a lot of people don't like this book because it's slow and there's a lot of description and world building. I disagreed with that completely. I am a very slow reader and typically get bored with long descriptions and complicated stories. But I found this book extremely easy to read and easy to get through. I found myself flying through it, hanging on every word, always wanting to know what was happening next. It is a little confusing, but that's because the story is a mystery. The main character is left in the dark about who she is, so we are left in the dark as well. We find things out as she finds things out. So, while it's a little confusing at first, that's something I love, when everything just comes together as the story progresses.

Another thing I loved about the story were the little stories that were built in. As the main character is trying to figure out where she comes from and who she is, we get to see little stories and flashbacks within the story to reveal new information. And each little story is just as good as the overall story.

This story is written in third person. Usually, I prefer first person, but I liked the way Laini Taylor used third person. While most of the story was told from Karou's perspective, every now and then she would switch and tell the story more from another character's perspective. Even though the story is told in third person, she has a way of telling the same scene from two different perspectives, and it's still just as interesting as the first time.

The other characters are wonderful. You really fall in love with the story and the characters as if they're your own family and friends. Akiva is a great character. So tormented and dark and badass, but at the same time, romantic and gentle. (Is that a spoiler? I don't know.) He's a very complex character and easy to love in my opinion.

I had an idea about the plot of this story, but the inside flap of the dust jacket doesn't tell you much and, based on reviews I've watched, not a lot of information was given about what exactly the story is about. While I was reading and finding out things about the world and the story, I had no idea what kind of story it was. The kind of paranormal/fantasy story it was completely surprised me. In a good way! There are so many stories in this general kind of genre and this was a completely original and different story. I know I said the same thing about the Immortal Rules, but it's so true. A lot of other stories are very cliche, but this was so original and different. Laini Taylor created this world from top to bottom and it's completely its own story. It's so creative and original and I just can't get over how she created this whole new world in her head. It's amazing.

As I read, I had a few ideas of what was going on and was putting a few pieces together in my head. I predicted a little bit about who Karou was and where she came from, but even though I had an idea, I was still surprised and didn't have everything predicted and figured out. I was amazed at how well the story was put together and how she revealed everything piece by piece in different orders and everything just fell into place at the end. And even though it fell into place, there's still more to learn, there's still more to figure out. And just when you think the story is over and it's all been revealed, there's a twist right at the end that makes you gasp and your jaw fall to the floor and frantically run to a computer to put the book on hold at the library/check your nearest Target to see if they have the next book (I did both). 

This book was amazing. It gave you just enough to satisfy your need for answers and love the book, but left out enough to where you're dying for the next one. 5/5 stars, again, for this book. I highly, HIGHLY recommend it. I didn't find it difficult to get into, but if you are, just keep going. It is amazing and the story never stops. It just keeps getting better.

Who's read this book? Have you read the rest in the series? What do you guys think? Feel free to leave your comments below, but PLEASE no spoilers! I've been doing a really good job of not reading ahead and not looking online for spoilers, so please don't spoil me :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Immortal Rules Review

The Immortal Rules
By: Julie Kagawa
Series: Blood of Eden (book 1)

Where to start. This is the first time I've done a formal book review (via blog or video), so bear with me while I get my jumbled thoughts together. PS: This will be a spoiler-free review!

I'm one of those people that no matter how overdone vampires are, I still love them. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite show of all time, Vampire Academy is my favorite book series of all time, Vampire Diaries USED to be a favorite (seasons 1-3 are still favorites), and I loved Twilight. I guess I still do. The movies may have ruined them for everyone else, but I'm not gonna let the movie criticism ruin my love for the books. Twilight is the series that got me back into reading again. After so many years of forced reading for Accelerated Reader points (don't even get me started), I was addicted to reading again. But I digress.

So first off, wow. Just. Wow. This book. It's such an original storyline in a genre of overdone storylines. I know everyone says that, but it's really the truth. Julie Kagawa creates a world and a story that's so original that even though it's about vampires, it still feels new. I'd put this book in the middle of a dystopian and supernatural venn diagram. In the Bout of Books 10 READ-A-THON, one of the challenges was to match the book you're reading with something it goes well with (food, another book, a movie, etc). This book made me want to watch the Walking Dead. (I've been on season two forever, but this book made me really want to catch up.)

Second, a big part of why I loved the book so much was the strong female lead. Allison is a great protagonist. She's strong, independent, funny, and despite everything that happens to her, she still puts other people first. And really, her life pretty much sucks. You can pretty much figure that out if you read the inside blurb of the dust jacket. But she's not weak or annoying. She's likable and she's strong and smart. Too often, the female lead is annoying and stupid. Allison is none of those things. She reminds me a little bit of Rose Hathaway (of course, my favorite female heroine in my favorite book series), but she's not quite as...I'm not sure what I'm trying to say. They're similar in that they're both strong female characters, which, obviously, I love.

The supporting characters are great too. I love Kanin. I can't wait to see more of him in the next book and get to know him a little better. It's weird because I totally ship him with Allison (is that a spoiler?) in a non-romantic way. I just love them as a team. I can't wait for their reunion in the next book! Zeke is also a great supporting character. Or main character? I'm not really sure what to consider him. I really like him as a character. I think he has a lot of depth and I hope we see more of him in the next book! 

I loved all the characters, even the antagonists. They give the story a good dynamic so it's not just sunshine and rainbows all the time. I mean, I'm someone who prefers generally happy endings, but there does need to be some struggle before that. The story is just so interesting and it really hooks you. It's very dark, but I like that. It's just got so much depth and it's not just another teenage vampire story. It's dramatic, but not immature. I feel as though I'm forgetting something, but if I am, I can always go back and add it later I suppose!

One thing I will say about this book, is it is a little slow getting into. It's definitely interesting, but there is a lot of world building, so if you're feeling like the action is going too slowly, KEEP GOING. I promise you that once the action starts, it never stops. There's always something going on to keep your interest and the story is addicting. I couldn't put it down once I got to a certain point and it kept me up in the wee hours of the night thinking about it.

I gave this book 5/5 stars, no question. I know I've only read the first book so this may not be accurate for the rest of the series, but based off the first book, this is now one of my favorite series, second only to Vampire Academy (only because that will always be my favorite...hard to forget your first love and everything). I can't wait to dive into the next book. The only reason I haven't devoured it yet is because I don't want it to be over and end so soon. This is definitely a series I want to own, so I'll be buying all the books...ASAP. That way I can read the last two at my leisure without dying waiting for my turn in the hold queue at the library ;)

Have any of you read this book? What did you think? Have you read the last two? Which was your favorite? Leave your thoughts below! Just no spoilers for the next two books pretty please :) My sister just read the last one and finished it last night. She's been killing me with all her whimpering noises while she read and her crying towards the end. It's frightening me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I know that May is almost over, but I thought I'd still post my May TBR now, so that when I post my May Wrap-up, we can see how well I did!

I was originally way too ambitious for this month, so I've done some editing to this list. (which is still a little ambitious to be honest). It ended up sitting at:

  • Fallen by Lauren Kate
  • Torment by Lauren Kate
  • City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
  • Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
  • Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
  • Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
  • Fever by Lauren DeStefano
  • The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
  • The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda
  • Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins
  • City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare (if I finish City of Bones)

What about the rest of you? What's on your TBR for the rest of May? What WAS on your TBR at the beginning of May? Has your TBR goal for May changed at all?

Stay tuned for a general Summer TBR post in the near future :)

Blog Intro

Hello bookworms!

I didn't think my blog should just start with no introduction to myself, so here we are.

My name's Katie. I'm 21. Finishing my senior year in college (wahhhh). I rarely write anything in complete sentences, but other than that I'm a pretty crazy grammar nazi. Sorry if that offends you! I'm a singer and a writer. I'm the music director of an acapella group and I'm in a music fraternity. I only work during the summer and winter holidays, but I have two jobs--an internship in communications and I work at Target.

I used to love to read. When I was in high school, I would read on the bus to school, I would read in class after tests. I was constantly checking out 10 books at a time from the library. Over the summer, I would lay outside on a lawn chair for hours reading, finishing a book and a half a day. Sometime after I started dating my boyfriend and starting college, I suddenly had no time to read ever. Then somewhere around my sophomore year, I got REALLY busy and started working, and now I actually have less time than I did before. BUT. This summer, I am making it my mission to be more adamant about reading--starting series I've been wanting to start, finishing series that I've been wanting to finish, reading all those stand-alones I've had on my list (aka, ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS), and catching up on series I need to catch up on (like that still have more books to come out). My sister and I have both decided to be more on top of our TBR lists. So we will be reading like fiends together this summer in our spare time (which for me, isn't much time)! And here we are now. Reading my first post on my blog. Excellent :)

I'm a pretty slow reader. Which surprises me because I was in the advanced reader group in elementary school. Then all of a sudden I was in 8th grade with a 5th grade reading level. What's even more surprising is that my sister wasn't a very good reader as a kid, but now she's a great reader--she reads fast and thoroughly. (Not to mention she's a genius, but that's besides the point.)

But! All that aside, I've been pretty diligent about crossing books off my TBR pile so far. I've been a little over-ambitious, but that's okay. Who isn't? So far I've finished 4 books this month, and I hope to finish two more. Hopefully? We'll see? The month is almost over and I work every day for the rest of May. So maybe not. But that's my goal!

Now that I've rambled five minutes of your life away, enjoy my blog! Hopefully this will inspire some of you to cross some books off your TBR lists :)

Happy Summer! :)