Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Update: Where Have I Been?

Well. I didn't get very far with the blogging, did I? 12 posts in and then disappeared for 6 months. Classic.

I guess I should offer a bit of explanation as to where I've been, although I don't think enough people actually read or even care about my blog anyway, but just for kicks, here it is.

I'm in my final semester of college.
I have to be an adult soon. And I don't want to be. As you can imagine, your senior year is slightly more demanding than all the other years of college. All those 400 level classes. But in any case, I'm also trying to soak up as much of my last year as I can, ergo, not doing as much reading. Or any reading at all really... When I get a free day, I catch up on shows or watch Netflix. Or watch YouTube videos.

Speaking of YouTube! I started a beauty channel! If you're interested in that, I'll put the link in my "where to find me" tab, but I'm having so much fun doing that! I don't get very many views, but I don't care because it's freaking fun!

Essentially those are my only excuses for why I've been MIA. And I just have not read a single book since I started my senior year. Actually, that's a lie. In the first few weeks I finished City of Ashes read City of Glass. And started several books. But after that, nothing. It's okay though! Because I've finally gotten bored with everything else I could be doing alone--Netflix, Television, playing the Sims...oops--so I've picked up the last tangible book (I say tangible because I started 3 or 4 on my kindle that I borrowed from the library) I was reading, Clockwork Angel. Don't get me wrong, I was really enjoying the book, I just got busy so I had to pause. So that's where I am right now. Spring Break is coming up and I don't ever work over Spring Break, so I get just actually 100% relax. My long distance boyfriend actually lives near my home now, so I'll be spending most of my time with him and my mom (duh), but I plan on laying out on the one nice day we get (because there always is just one), and reading. So we'll see where I get. I have a busy week next week so I doubt I'll read then. But maybe I'll at least finish Clockwork Angel before next week so I can start another one! Who knows!

So, that's that. February TBR? Hummm...finish Clockwork Angel since that's been 6 months in the making lol. We'll see about March.

Farewell my friends! Spring is coming soon! YAY!!!

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