Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June Wrap-up


It's already July. 

I am not very proud of my reading in June because I only read four books. BUT I'm going to use the excuse that my boyfriend came to visit for 8 days so I didn't have any time to myself except for the two days I worked and the two hours he golfed with my dad, during which I mowed the lawn and showered before he got back. Other than that, we spent every second together. So! That was 8 days I didn't have to fly through some books I was loving. But that's okay because I did accomplish the feat of finishing City of Bones so I'm FINALLY on my way to getting into/continuing/completing the series. YAY!

So, without further ado, here are the books I read during the month of June:
1. Rebel Belle - Rachel Hawkins
2. The Darkest Minds - Alexandra Bracken (OH MY GOD REVIEW TO COME SO MANY FEELS)
3. City of Bones - Cassandra Clare
4. Eve and Adam - Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate

I read Eve and Adam in less than 24 hours on the last day of June. It was a super fast read. After that, I started and got halfway through The Giver by Lois Lowry. I could've finished The Giver by the end of the day if I really tried...but after reading all day, it wasn't entertaining to me anymore because I was just trying to read as fast as I could to add more books to my June wrap-up, which isn't good. So I decided to relax for the rest of the day and just make The Giver the first book I finished in July. That way, I can enjoy the book and not feel rushed and make reading unenjoyable for me again.

Another thing to note. I had Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor and The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa on my TBR of June. Some of my favorite new series, mind you. I wasn't able to get to those this month for the simple reason that 1) I want them to last and 2) I had finished The Darkest Minds and had an extreme book hangover and was experiencing a lot of serious emotions, so I just needed a break from such heavy feelings and decided to read other things!

Anyway! I didn't do so well on my TBR in June. But that's okay! Some books I'm carrying over to my TBR for the next month and I'm adding some new ones. Stay tuned for my July TBR and let me know what you guys read in June :)

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